Sincerely Me Chapter 86

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4

Rating: M
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 86 Summary:  In which Cor is an awkward dad, N*Sync and The Backstreet Boys have a showdown, and Prompto eats around the dildo in his soup.

 Prompto (2:52 p.m.):
 mine’s obvi better

 Gladiolus (2:53 p.m.):

 Ignis (2:54 p.m.):
 Oh for the love of the Six.

 Prompto (2:55 p.m.):
 roses are red

 Prompto (2:55 p.m.):
 metal is gray

 Prompto (2:56 p.m.):
 the winner of this contest

 Prompto (2:56 p.m.):
 is gonna be may

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 86