
You know what makes ffxv so painfully good and memorable for me?

Despite a lot of people complaining about the game’s clustered plot. What makes FFXV so memorable and heart wrenching was we get to see the main characters grow.

We get to see them from such a young age, specially Noctis (brotherhood, platinum demo and king’s tale) facing trauma, trying to live his life as a normal kid, as normal as it can be and growing older to teen and young adult then full fledge adult, accepting his fate and responsibilty as king.

I get to see Prompto struggle with his self image, identity anxiety and growing and trying to motivate himself to be a better someone a better him and growing confident as he grow old, forsaking the need to cover his code.

I get to watch Ignis from being frigid cold, being weighed down by responsibilities as the future advisor so he was strict to becoming a person of personality and becoming the morher hen of the group.

I get to see Gladio having a tough demeanor on him and even hating how bratty Noctis was when he was a child. Seeing how Noctis was actually just like any other kid after Noctis and Iris spend time together he grew softer, emotional and become the big protective brother that we all know. Not just to Iris. But to everyone as well.

That was why it was heart wrenching. I agree they should focus on the side characters more too but yes. It tore us apart because they had so much time together, growing up as unique individuals that somehow ties the brotherhood bond together. To see Chapter 14 happened honestly broke me that I was gasping and choking on my own tears (no exaggeration) when I finished the game.

Not even FFX can make me bawl like this.

To be given happy times at Chapter 1 til 9 and to have that taken away from the characters at 10 til 14

It was horrible. I had to pause the game halfway through because just imagining yourself in that kind of situation just hurts so bad (I’m the kind to actually vividly envision stuff like this). I was a sobbing mess, that was how much the game played with my emotions. A whole lot.

I love FF7, I love FF 4, 8, 9, 10, 12–

But 15 will always have a special place in my heart.

Elitists might laugh at the concept “A fantasy based on reality.” Because it doesn’t in one bit represent our real world– but you know what’s my take on this?

The bond.

The bond is definitely a fantasy based on reality. Because the bonds created in there are very much real. Look at the english cast for example. The bonds they created is very much real.

It’s not about “friendship is power” trope anymore.

It’s about how true friends are always there for you through bright and bleak situations. They may not give you a burst of rainbow powers and make you go ultimate. No. But they do give you the strength to move forward when you think you can’t do it. Lend you a shoulder when you were having a hard time. Laugh with you as you tell lame jokes and are able to tolerate your flaws.

It’s definitely a fantasy game based on reality.

FFXV is forever going to be one my favs.