
Two years + Promptio Zine Announcement

Dear FFXV Fandom,

It’s been two years, can you believe it? I look back on who I was and where I was at in 2016, and I thank both the game and this community for helping to change my life in so many positive ways. In FFXV, I found passion again, something to enjoy, and I’ve made so many friends because of it.

I don’t have any special art (I’m not an artist lol) or even fic updates (still focusing on Reaper these days) to celebrate today…. So instead, I’d like to make an announcement I’ve been toying with for a little while now.

A Promptio Zine ❤

If you follow me, chances are you know I would kill a man for my dearest darling OTP. And in order to honor them properly, I want to put together a FREE (not-for-profit) zine of both art and fic all about Promptio :3

If you are a writer, an artist, or just a fan, please consider taking part in this project! I’ll be posting more info and a sign-up link soon. Spread the word! Tell your friends! Send me your suggestions for a title xD

And thanks again for the most amazing two years of my life so far 💕 Here’s to many more in this amazing fandom.



I’ve been talking about trying to put together a Promptio zine for a few months now! I’m so excited to see someone else stepping up to do it. I desperately want to be part of this (and if you need another co-mod hit me up)