Tuneless – Chapter 3 – Ignis_Sassentia – Final Fantasy XV [Archive of Our Own]

Title: Tuneless

Rating: G (for now; it might get bumped up later, we’ll see)

Pairing: Promptio

Summary: Prompto doesn’t have a soulmate, so he’s pretty much resigned himself to never having a good romantic relationship. Which makes it incredibly hard when he realizes he has a huge crush on his best friend’s bodyguard.

Gladio hasn’t told anyone he doesn’t have a soulmate, either–but he’s convinced he can still make a relationship work with the right person. All he can do is hope he can convince Prompto they’re the right pair to make it happen.

A soulmate AU where romantic soulmates share the same unique melody in their heads, and platonic soulmates have a unique melody/harmony pair. Intertwines with Crescendo, especially for the first few chapters.

A soulmate AU where romantic soulmates share the same unique melody in their heads, and platonic soulmates have a unique melody/harmony pair.

Chapter Three: Prompto gets a big surprise. 

Tuneless – Chapter 3 – Ignis_Sassentia – Final Fantasy XV [Archive of Our Own]