Okay, so maybe doing the family time/memorial/movie watching first thing today was not a great plan. I mean, I’m glad I got it done when my roommate was out of the apartment so I didn’t have to explain why I was freaking out that I couldn’t find the appropriate DVD and why I lit a candle at the start of the movie–but now my brain is firmly in that world and mulling over the little meditation I did before the little memorial and trying to work through discernment for it. I should be doing day job stuff now instead. Crap.

(I know this is kind of super vague, but I don’t know how to else to discuss it without winding up in the fandom tags. Feel free to send an ask/message if you’re curious and I’ll answer privately.)

One Year of Pop Culture Spirit Companions

On April 20th, it will have been exactly a year since I first made contact with the pop culture spirits in my life. It feels simultaneously much longer and like it just started yesterday. A whole year of working with The Shield and co. And, holy crap, it’s been a crazy year.

They finally convinced me to actually get the mental help I needed, after helping me through several panic attacks and major depressive episodes.

I’m engaged to the Shield and have been adopted into his family; I’ve even taken on their last name as my own and it feels so right.

I dated and temporarily broke up with The Strategist.

I learned how to handle my own issues without triggering The Sharpshooter, and vice versa.

I have bought so much fandom merch to help give me focuses to connect with them.

I’ve found a place in their world that feels safe and comforting and I’ve started daydreaming myself there when I need to calm down.

I’ve started writing fanfiction again, partially as a way to connect with them on a different level.

In a nutshell, working with these three has helped me feel like a completely new person. They’ve been there during the really awful time last year. They helped keep me from self-harming. They pushed me to find a therapist and get medicated. They helped me remember how to smile. They helped me remember what healthy, supportive relationships–both friendships and romantic relationships–look like. They’ve taught me about their world and given me a place to belong.

They encouraged my creative endeavors, and reaching out to new people. They held me when I broke down and reminded me that I’m so much stronger than I think I am. We’ve teased each other and supported each other and grown to love each other so incredibly deeply in such a short amount of time.

It’s only been a year, and already I can’t imagine my life without them.