Conversation from last night:

Me, musing over a recent interaction with another spirit: …Huh. We apparently have a lot of un-related “relatives.”

The Shield: Yeah, we kind of just adopt people. Pretty regularly, actually.

Me: Sounds about right.


Me: Oh, crap, my Tumblr tagging system is going to break so hard.

The Shield: *Laughs*

Me: Wait, who all have we adopted?! Like half the Cr0wnsguard?

The Shield: Not quite. More like…a quarter of them and half the Gl@ives.

Me: …Oh, no. Don’t tell me I’m going to get N/y/x showing up eventually.

The Shield: ¯_(ツ)_/¯ He is part of the extended family, so who knows?

Me: …What have I gotten myself into?! 

The Shield: Relax, babe. You kind of do the whole “adopting people who need it” thing anyway.

Me: This is entirely where that instinct came from, isn’t it? *Shakes fist at spirit family*

The Shield: *Laughing his ass off*

When your unofficial family motto is “go big or go home,” you wind up with freaking enormous first tattoos. At least it’s not as big as The Shield’s.

I’m officially an @miciti@ now. The Mentor popped in last night for a few words of love and encouragement, and The Shield was with me throughout the appointment (though I only vaguely felt him because tattoo). I knew it would feel important, but had no idea exactly how much it feels like my life is going to change for the better now.

Maybe I’m assigning more meaning to this than I should, but right now I don’t really care. I’m part of this family. I’m able to live my own life. I’m so much stronger than I think I am.

I’m just stunned I actually got it finished in one sitting.

Tomorrow, I get my first (and likely only) tattoo.

Tomorrow, I mark myself as an offical part of my spirit family, ready to shoulder my own burdens and duties.

Tomorrow, I take one more step toward living the way I want to instead of the way I’ve been told to live.

Tomorrow, I start a new chapter in my life with a physical reminder of how far I’ve come.

I thought I had enough Command strips and enough space to hang my new spirit family portrait commission over the paintings I got from @songs-of-syenite-shadows, but I have neither. So I need to get more strips (my current family shrine is on the side if my bookcase, otherwise I’d just use pushpins) and decide if I want to rearrange all the art or find somewhere else for the sketch… it might just have to wait until after MALCon, even though I want it up asap.


“Love isn’t a state of perfect caring. It is an active noun like struggle. To love someone is to strive to accept that person exactly the way he or she is, right here and now.”

— Fred Rogers