[FIC] Shoulders Smooth as Raven’s Claws


Synopsis: The Shield of the King is the foundation Insomnia and her King are built upon, but a life of dedication and devotion is far from unchanging. As Gladio prepares to take his formal oath, Clarus reexamines his own role after an assassination attempt.

Characters: Clarus Amicitia, Regis Lucis Caelum

Pairings: Established Clarus Amicitia/Regis Lucis Caelum, Gladiolus AMicitia/Ignis Scientia

Wordcount: 6163

Chapter 1/???

Rating: M

5 years Pre-game, Sad Dads, Single-Father Clarus, Brotherhood Episode 4, Amicitia lore, Amicitia family

Read it at AO3

Ahhhh! I’ve been waiting for this! 😀 

Big brother Gladio is the best <3


He honestly is ❤ Have some big bro Gladio headcanons because I’m bored in work and it’s raining outside:

  • Teenage Gladio sitting on the floor of his sister’s room letting Iris braid his hair, she’s got to learn somehow and their dad isn’t exactly any use in that regard!
  • After Iris was born Gladio took every opportunity to steal his sister and strut around the Citadel with her in his arms. He’d show everyone and tell them they could look but not touch, anyone who got too close had their feet stamped on. ‘No touchy!’
  • He loved, and still does love, buying Iris presents for her birthday and Astrals Day; it means that no matter what his dad will always find some time and the pair will go out to find things for her. Gladio’s the one responsible for her wardrobe, their dad has absolutely no fashion sense and despite opting to wear as little as possible, Gladio has a very good fashion sense. 
  • When Iris came home with a kitten in her school bag that’d she’d found abandoned in the park, he helped her successfully hide it for nearly three months. They were only caught because Lord Fluffbutt found his way into Clarus’ bed. The eldest Amicitia stood no chance when attacked with the sad faces of his children AND a kitten. Lord Fluffbutt has a literal cat castle now and is allowed to roam freely. 
  • On nights were Clarus is stuck in the Citadel until late, Gladio will make sure Iris has eaten, washed and done her homework. When she was younger he’d tuck her into bed and read her a bedtime story; as she’s gotten older he still sees her to her room and makes sure she’s comfortable before going to sleep himself.
  • He once punched a boy who stood Iris up. The kid looked over his shoulder for weeks afterwards and even after joining the Crownsguard will still run in the other direction.

The Softer Side of Clarus Amicitia


  • Having a secret handshake with his kids.
  • Replying with savage comebacks whenever Gladiolus makes an offhand remark about his age.
  • Keeping an extra fountain pen in his pocket for the inevitable times when King Regis misplaces his own.
  • Having photos of his children and wife upon his desk.
  • Giving stern looks and then simpering in amusement when someone is frightened by them.
  • Participating in a betting pool with himself and relishing in his victory whenever he guesses which of the prince’s entourage is going to make a mess of things next.
  • Calling every man younger than himself ‘son.’
  • Telling Cor he’s proud of him, even if they bump heads.
  • Placing his reading glasses on the tip of his nose and engaging in a classic read.
  • Helping Iris pick out an outfit for school.
  • Going camping with his family for holidays.
  • Training in the middle of the night because he fears he’s too old to be good enough.
  • Standing beside his King and realizing he is.
  • Writing heartfelt letters to his late wife.
  • Communicating with Regis through texts when they’re in the same room and laughing like teenagers because, what is the point of doing that?
  • Grabbing a Cup Noodle before retiring to his chambers for the next episode of Scandal.

Sassentia’s Redbubble

So I kind of opened a Redbubble shop? There’s not much there at the moment, but there IS an Amicitia piece, and I’m hoping to add some more fandom stuff soon. Maybe take a look and signal boost?

(This is under my official business name Wandering Jotun, which focuses on nerdy/pagan/queer stuff, just fyi) 

Sassentia’s Redbubble

Amicitia Headcanon

The Amicitias are totally the type of family to just kind of “adopt” folks as unofficial family members. It started with Jared and Talcott, then “Uncle” Cor, and somehow expanded to include like a quarter of the Crownsguard and half the Glaives. There’s always a rotating group of adopted family coming around for dinner, and the manor is completely packed for birthdays and holidays.