I’ve been dealing with some really bad #anxiety lately, and the spells I wrote for this #YuriOnIce spellbook have helped a lot. They’re #easymagic and perfect for #lowenergy #witchcraft, with a fun #popculturemagic twist. Grab it in the Wandering Jotun Crafts #Etsy store now!

This is my “about to launch a new product” face. Magic on Ice: Five Pop Culture Spells Inspired by #YuriOnIce is coming soon to #Etsy and #Amazon! Spells to ease #anxiety, increase #confidence, help you reach #goals, and more, all inspired by the Yuri on Ice anime. I might look contemplative and slightly evil, but I’m super excited to share this little e-spellbook! #magic

Nerdy and spiritual crafts with heart by WanderingJotunCrafts

Oh, hey, I totally forgot to mention that I have launched my Etsy store! I know things are a bit pricey, but if you really want a piece and can’t afford it, please let me know and we’ll try to work something out. I want to be as accessible as possible while still covering my costs.

Currently available: prayer beads and necklaces, crystal room hangers, a few pieces of steampunk jewelry.

Coming soon: hand-sewn (without a machine) pouches/bags (think general dice bag size) in nerdy cloth.

Nerdy and spiritual crafts with heart by WanderingJotunCrafts