Sincerely, Me Chapter 88!!!

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4

Rating: M
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 88 Summary: In which Ignis has zero self-control, an unplanned housewarming party gets out of hand, and Noctis eats a stale cracker.

 Clarus (1:38 p.m.):
 Iris is going to the housewarming party, instead of getting lunch with me. [crying emoji][crying emoji][broken heart emoji]

 Regis (1:39 p.m.):
 WUT?! :O

 Clarus (1:40 p.m.):
 She’s too grown up. [crying emoji]

 Regis (1:41 p.m.):

 Regis (1:42 p.m.):
 they’re having a party and they didn’t invite me?!

 Regis (1:43 p.m.):
 I luv parties!

 Regis (1:43 p.m.):
 I’m the KING of parties!!! [party hat emoji] [crown emoji]

 Regis (1:44 p.m.):

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 88

Sincerely Me Chapter 86

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4

Rating: M
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 86 Summary:  In which Cor is an awkward dad, N*Sync and The Backstreet Boys have a showdown, and Prompto eats around the dildo in his soup.

 Prompto (2:52 p.m.):
 mine’s obvi better

 Gladiolus (2:53 p.m.):

 Ignis (2:54 p.m.):
 Oh for the love of the Six.

 Prompto (2:55 p.m.):
 roses are red

 Prompto (2:55 p.m.):
 metal is gray

 Prompto (2:56 p.m.):
 the winner of this contest

 Prompto (2:56 p.m.):
 is gonna be may

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 86

Sincerely, Me Chapter 85

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4

Rating: M
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 85 Summary: In which Gladio and Noct argue over a painting, Ignis has an awkward boner, and Prompto is jealous over pet names. 

you sure it’s beer you’re thirsty for?” Prompto asked gleefully,
wiggling the monster-themed dildo he had managed to snatch from the box
before Gladio manhandled him away. Seeing the larger man advancing
toward him, he shrieked and quickly tossed the dildo to Noct.

Noct caught the dildo and scampered across the room, a huge grin on his face.

sighed as he pried the lid off the first bottle of beer and took a
large swig. Why in the world did he find this both ridiculous and highly

“You little shits,” Gladio growled, chasing the two smaller, faster men around the apartment.

Gladio, is it clean?” Noct asked, skirting past his Shield and tossing
the dildo back to Prompto. “Do you think you could deep throat that,

Prompto laughed. “Hell yeah! Is it clean, Gladio?”

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 85

Sincerely, Me Chapter 84

We’re back(-ish), everyone! *throws confetti and dick pics* 

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 84 Summary: In which Noct scores an early birthday present, Prompto fast travels, Ignis is confused again, and Gladio gets sappy.

Noctis (5:02 p.m.):
 good news!

Noctis (5:03 p.m.):
 I just heard back from the lab!

Noctis (5:04 p.m.):
 Ignis isn’t feeding us people

Prompto (5:05 p.m.):

Noctis (5:06 p.m.):
 I said he’s NOT feeding us people

Gladiolus (5:07 p.m.):
 I told you he wasn’t.

Ignis (5:08 p.m.):
 I’m rather concerned you thought that was a possibility, Highness.

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 84

Good Boy – Ignis_Sassentia – Final Fantasy XV [Archive of Our Own]

Title: Good Boy 

Fandom: FFXV 

Pairing: Gladio/Prompto 

Rating: Explicit 

Tags: Light bondage, dom!Prom, sub!Gladio, aggressive consent, collars/leashes, exhibitionism, probably the fluffiest smut ever written

Summary: Prompto’s first time topping in a light, fluffy BDSM scene with Gladio,
who is nothing but supportive, even when things don’t go exactly to
plan. Inspired by this art from @kazshipsthings. Started last year, but finished for the free day of @promptioweek

Good Boy – Ignis_Sassentia – Final Fantasy XV [Archive of Our Own]

Fic: “Oh! Gentlemen!” (Gift for Ignis Sassentia)


Hello, @ignis-sassentia

This is your fic for FFXV Small Secret Santa. You asked for cute and fluffy, and I hope I’ve provided.

The playlist changed to something very out of character for Prompto. At the first few notes in three-fourths time, Prompto’s and Noctis’s eyes met. They shared a grin. Gladiolus gave Prompto a thumbs up. Here goes everything.

Prompto lept up from the couch, shifted his posture into something more formal (Thanks, Crownsguard training.), and walked across Noct’s living room to where Ignis was sitting. Clasp hands back, keep eye contact, bow-but-not-too-much, extend right hand, and “Lord Scientia, might I have the honor of this dance?”

Nailed it. (Thanks, super secret practice with Noct and Gladio.)

Ignis’s lips quirked into a small grin. He took Prompto’s offered hand and stood. Ignis returned the bow flawlessly, because of course unlike Pleby McPleberson Prompto, he already had it drilled into his head. “The pleasure is all mine, Mr. Argentum.”

Prompto fought not to squee. He heard a slapping that could only be Noct and Gladio sharing a high five.

Ignis flicked a quick murder face at Noct and Gladio, then looked back at Prompto, his face softer than when he accepted Prompto’s offer. “I presume you’ll be leading?”

Prompto let out a small squeak, not a squee, then cleared his throat. “Yeah! I mean, most certainly, Lord Scientia. I asked you, and those’re the rules, right?”

Ignis let out a small laugh. It was obscenely unfair how handsome he was. “Right.”  

Prompto took a breath and placed his right hand on Ignis’s back and extended his left arm. Ignis brought up his arms to match. “Hope you’re okay with box steps,” Prompto mumbled.

“Nothing would please me more.“  

Oh, gosh, it’s so cute! Thank you! ❤ I was grinning like an idiot the whole way. 

12 Days of Ficmas Recs–Day 4

December 23rd – Day 4: Soulmate!AU OR Fake dating

I kind of fell behind on this, so here’s today’s! My favorite FFXV Soulmate!AU. Except I couldn’t decide, so here’s two. 

Title: By Your Voice to Guide Me Home by @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Noctis/Ignis
Rating: G
Warnings (if any): N/A
Summary: A Soulmate AU, in which people have a voice in their head that reflects the character of their soulmate.

was certain that he would recognize his soul mate when he met them. For
one, they had an accent. For two, they were quite possibly the most
condescending, stuck-up, conceited person he had ever heard. For three,
they had an insatiable love of puns.

Ignis wasn’t sure if he’d
ever meet his soulmate, and he didn’t particularly care. For one, they
were lazy beyond belief. For two, they were constantly trying to goad
him into breaking out of his well-ordered lifestyle. For three, for
whatever reason, they complained the entire time Ignis tried to cook
vegetables. It was tiresome.

And Noct and Ignis both knew, beyond a
shadow of a doubt, that their supposed soulmates were the last people
in the entire world that they would ever want to spend the rest of their
lives with.
Why I Rec This Fic: I’ve gotten a bit of a behind-the-scenes peek at some of the stuff planned for this fic and it’s going to be really fun. I love the writing style and the parallels set up between the two scenes that are here so far. And the idea is just fun, honestly. 

Title: Luminosity by @Kunfetti 
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Prompto/Ignis 
Rating: T
Warnings (if any): N/A
Summary: The population of Eos is colorblind until they meet their soulmates.
Prompto has waited his entire life to meet his but when he does, he’s
met with an unexpected surprise.
Why I Rec This Fic: It’s just so cute? It’s so fluffy and sweet and I love the little twist of blind!Ignis in an AU where soulmates know each other by seeing colors and the little tensions and conflicts that creates inside the sheer adorable fluff. 

Sincerely, Me Chapter 83

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 83 Summary: In which Ignis forgets something, Prompto accidentally causes a panic,
Noct comes out to his friends, and Gladio is mostly just confused.

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 83

NOTE: Unfortunately, real life has gotten out of control for both of us lately and Sincerely, Me is going on a bit of a hiatus with this chapter. We hope it won’t be long, and we promise we’re coming back–we have a lot of great things planned–but we’re not entirely certain when yet. Thank you for your patience, for sticking with us, and for being the best readers we could ever ask for. ❤ 

Sincerely, Me: A Very Merry Sidefic Chapter 2

Title: Sincerely, Me: A Very Merry Sidefic
Fandom: Final Fantasy XV
Rating: M
Summary: A Sincerely, Me holiday pic (of questionable canon, since we’re not entirely certain how the OT4 dynamics are actually going to play out in the main fic yet). In which Ignis really enjoys playing Santa even though it doesn’t make sense in Eos, Noctis enjoys letting him, Gladio is aggressively Jewish even though it doesn’t make sense in Eos, and Prompto is still a sinnamon roll.

Clarus (9:01 a.m.):
 Your Majesty, please. You can’t wear the same sweater two days in a row. D:

Regis (9:02 a.m.):
 but it’s FESTIVE! D:

Clarus (9:03 a.m.):
 I know for a fact you have multiple festive sweaters.

Clarus (9:04 a.m.):
 So why the DILF one twice? 

Regis (9:05 a.m.):
 bcuz I thought u were going 2 wear urs again, 2!!! D:

(Note: we’re posting this chapter today instead of something for the main fic because real life sucks! 😀 ) 

Sincerely, Me: A Very Merry Sidefic Chapter 2