Sincerely, Me Chapter 88!!!

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4

Rating: M
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 88 Summary: In which Ignis has zero self-control, an unplanned housewarming party gets out of hand, and Noctis eats a stale cracker.

 Clarus (1:38 p.m.):
 Iris is going to the housewarming party, instead of getting lunch with me. [crying emoji][crying emoji][broken heart emoji]

 Regis (1:39 p.m.):
 WUT?! :O

 Clarus (1:40 p.m.):
 She’s too grown up. [crying emoji]

 Regis (1:41 p.m.):

 Regis (1:42 p.m.):
 they’re having a party and they didn’t invite me?!

 Regis (1:43 p.m.):
 I luv parties!

 Regis (1:43 p.m.):
 I’m the KING of parties!!! [party hat emoji] [crown emoji]

 Regis (1:44 p.m.):

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 88


Here’s all of our Authors writing fic for the zine! Every one of these authors are writing lovely fics for our zine! 

Our Authors are as followed: 

Ferix  – @ferix-writes​ | Ferix_writes

Digi – Digital Popsicle | DigitalPopsicle

Ignis-Sassentia@ignis-sassentia​ | wanderingjotun

Aliatori@aliatori​ | Aliatoriera

Akiko Natsuko – @thebagofholdingthings | thedisastertief

Luna☾ – Luna | luna_libertatis

swordliliesandebony @swordliliesandebonyswordlilyebony


Lilium Elendir@liliumelendir | LiliumElendir

Kwee – Kwee | kwehlous

Please give them all a follow and show some love 😀 All thirty of our artists will be announced NEXT WEEK so keep an eye out!! 

I’m so incredibly excited to be part of this zine with all these incredible writers and the artists who haven’t been announced yet. So freaking excited! 




 I’ve been reading this ffxv crack fic – 

I haven’t laughed this hard in a long long long time.  This fic has destroyed me along with it’s companion pieces.  It’s 80+ chapters of pure win and STILL GOING

I have been up till nearly 2 am everynight the last several days, trying to hide my wheeze laughing from the hub while he’s sleeping because of this fic ❤




Well…thank you for making my day first thing in the morning. 😀 And thank you so much for reading and enjoying the fic! This is absolutely every bit as beautiful as we imagined it. 

Sincerely, Me Chapter 87 (Finally)

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4

Rating: M
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 87 Summary:  In which another plan is put into action, Gladio and Noctis make a
questionable decision, and Cor walks in on something he never wanted to

 Ignis (12:44 p.m.):
 May we return to the matter at hand? Moving Prompto into my apartment?

 Ignis (12:44 p.m.):

 Gladiolus (12:45 p.m.):
 What time were you guys thinking?

 Noctis (12:46 p.m.):

 Noctis (12:47 p.m.):
 …and can Cor help?

 Ignis (12:48 p.m.):
 Excuse me?

 Gladiolus (12:48 p.m.):
 Please say yes.

 Gladiolus (12:48 p.m.):
 Or he might kill us.

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 87


The buttons and stickers I ordered for #malcon2018 came in today! The stickers are smaller than I expected, but feature a wordcloud from a chapter of my co-written #FFXV fic Sincerely, Me. So excited!

#trickster #trickstersquad #fanfiction #westercon

There are now Sincerely, Me stickers, y’all. I ordered a set for MALCon next week because I’m a nerd and @kwehkwehmotherfucker didn’t stop me. It’s a word cloud formulated from Chapter 17 (you know, the one where everyone is texting Gladio in an absolute panic?). I don’t know how well they’re going to sell at con, so consider this a pre-order announcement of sorts? Let me know if you want one and I’ll hit you up if there are any extras (same with the pins featured here, actually). They’ll be $3, including shipping. 

And, no, the fic isn’t dead yet. Life is just still kicking our butts. 


I was joking around and texting @ignis-sassentia fake lyrics to the Shia LeBeouf song, and they said I should finish it and post it on Tumblr. So I did.

I’m so sorry

Ignis Scientia (to the tune of Shia Lebeouf)

You’re riding your chocobo all day. The roads are deserted and monsters are prowling. In the distance, you see a pair of headlights.

Ignis Scientia.

He follows you slowly in the Regalia. He revs the engine and picks up speed. He’s gaining on you!

Ignis Scientia.

You’re looking for the haven, but you’re all turned around. He’s almost upon you now and you can see there’s blood on his face. By the astrals, there’s blood everywhere!

Riding for your life (from Ignis Scientia)
He’s brandishing a carrot! (It’s Ignis Scientia)
Lurking in the kitcheeen
Tactical advisor Ignis Scientia!

Living in Lucis (Ignis Scientia)
Killing for sport! (Ignis Scientia)
People in his recipeeehs
Royal chef cannibal Ignis Scientia!

Night has fallen, and you seem to have lost him, but daemons are beginning to emerge and it isn’t safe.
That’s it!
In the distance, a caravan!
But what’s that?! Ah! You’ve stepped on a cactuar!

Thousand needles to the face!
(Potion! Potion!)
Point warping to a cliff!
(Potion! Potion!)
Sneaking to the caravaaan
Sitting inside, Ignis Scientia

Writing down a recipeh
(Ignis Scientia)
But he doesn’t here you enter
(Ignis Scientia)
Sneaking up behind hiiim
Strangling royal chef Ignis Scientia

Fighting for your life with Ignis Scientia.
Wrestling a knife from Ignis Scientia.
Stab it in his Ebonyyy.
Safe at last from Ignis Scientia.

You stumble into Hammerhead, blood oozing from your wounds. But you have won. You have beaten Ignis Scientia.

Wait! He isn’t dead! Scientia surprise!
There’s veggies on a fork and purple fire in his eyes
But you can use magic
Warp attacking strategist Ignis Scientia

Legendary boss battle with Ignis Scientia
Normal Tuesday night for Ignis Scientia
You try to swing the engine blade at Ignis Scientia
But blood is draining fast from your cactuar holes

He’s dodging every blow, he backflips to the left
You warp to the right and catch him in the face
You’re knocking off his glasses
You have just despectacled Ignis Scientia

A black chocobo runs off with his glasses and he follows in pursuit. You fall to your knees and catch your breath. You are finally safe from Ignis Scientia.

Some group photos from the Final Fantasy photoshoot at DCC yesterday. Unfortunately, I didn’t get contact info for most of these amazing cosplayers, so if you know them, please tag them! Huge thanks to @gizzwhizz for letting me get some goofy Promptio shots 😀