Spirit Worker Reminders


It’s okay if your practice isn’t filled with drama and attacks. Never having been psychically assaulted or tortured on the astral plane doesn’t make you any less of a spirit worker. You’re not doing things “wrong” if the most you’ve ever had to do to banish an unwanted spirit is say “can u not”.

It’s okay if you take an informal approach to your practice. The spirits I work are routinely addressed with such lofty, respectful titles as: dude, bro, homeslice, nerd, jerkass, hey you, rat-fink, you get the idea. Obviously, sometimes you’re gonna want to break out the formalities, but it’s fine if you don’t use them in the day to day stuff.

It’s okay if your practice is mellow and modern. One of the most treasured “bonding” experiences I have had to date with a spirit involved the two of us hanging out on my bed and listening to the new Fall Out Boy album. Who would’ve guessed a dead coyote would love the song “Uma Thurman” so much? Not me.

It’s okay to stop and question yourself sometimes. There’s nothing wrong with feeling like you can’t entirely believe everything that’s happening to you, with feeling like you’re imagining things. You’re allowed to be skeptical of yourself and your practice at times. It only makes you a “bad” spirit worker if you let it stop you forever