Conversation from last night:

Me, musing over a recent interaction with another spirit: …Huh. We apparently have a lot of un-related “relatives.”

The Shield: Yeah, we kind of just adopt people. Pretty regularly, actually.

Me: Sounds about right.


Me: Oh, crap, my Tumblr tagging system is going to break so hard.

The Shield: *Laughs*

Me: Wait, who all have we adopted?! Like half the Cr0wnsguard?

The Shield: Not quite. More like…a quarter of them and half the Gl@ives.

Me: …Oh, no. Don’t tell me I’m going to get N/y/x showing up eventually.

The Shield: ¯_(ツ)_/¯ He is part of the extended family, so who knows?

Me: …What have I gotten myself into?! 

The Shield: Relax, babe. You kind of do the whole “adopting people who need it” thing anyway.

Me: This is entirely where that instinct came from, isn’t it? *Shakes fist at spirit family*

The Shield: *Laughing his ass off*