Daemon Hunter Iris Headcanons

Some headcanons I came up with for Iris during the WoR: 

  • She developed this kickass move where she plants the sword, jumps up on the hilt, then flips off while ripping it out of the ground so she winds up smashing it into the next enemy in front of her while spraying anything behind her with dirt and grit to disorient them
    • Gladio flipped his shit the first few times she tried it and nearly landed on her head or cut herself open with the sword 
    • It becomes her sort of signature move and folks can tell if Iris was part of a daemon hunt because of the deep gouges it leaves in the ground
    • Both Gladio and Cor tried to get her to teach it to them, but neither of them could manage due to being older, heavier, and slower 
  • At some point, she gets her own tattoo 
    • It’s a badass-looking hummingbird that takes up most of her left thigh
  • She makes a habit of checking in on the boys between hunts, since she knows they’re all hurting pretty bad
    • She’s one of the ones who helps get Ignis back into fighting shape by training with him and helping him re-learn his way around the kitchen 
    • She and Gladio go on hunts together relatively often and reminisce about their dad and Insomnia and general family lore 
    • She goads Prompto into taking photos when they’re out together, even though none of them turn out well because of the lighting–but she knows it was important to him 
  • At some point near the Dawn, she decides she wants to have a baby, to carry on the Amicitia line (since Gladio ain’t doing it), remind herself that life goes on, and have something important to keep going for when the darkness gets to be too much 
    • Gladio again flips his shit because his baby sister wants to have a baby 
    • Iris isn’t seeing anyone at the time and doesn’t see the need to have an SO in order to have a baby, so she finds a sperm donor
    • Of course she continues to hunt daemons and protect people until Gladio, Cor, Ignis, and Monica all force her to stop for the baby’s health 
    • Iris gives birth to her daughter a few months before the Dawn and names her Lily 
    • Prompto brings Lily a chocobo onesie, but Iris teasingly refuses to let Lily wear anything but the moogle onesie she made 

Big brother Gladio is the best <3


He honestly is ❤ Have some big bro Gladio headcanons because I’m bored in work and it’s raining outside:

  • Teenage Gladio sitting on the floor of his sister’s room letting Iris braid his hair, she’s got to learn somehow and their dad isn’t exactly any use in that regard!
  • After Iris was born Gladio took every opportunity to steal his sister and strut around the Citadel with her in his arms. He’d show everyone and tell them they could look but not touch, anyone who got too close had their feet stamped on. ‘No touchy!’
  • He loved, and still does love, buying Iris presents for her birthday and Astrals Day; it means that no matter what his dad will always find some time and the pair will go out to find things for her. Gladio’s the one responsible for her wardrobe, their dad has absolutely no fashion sense and despite opting to wear as little as possible, Gladio has a very good fashion sense. 
  • When Iris came home with a kitten in her school bag that’d she’d found abandoned in the park, he helped her successfully hide it for nearly three months. They were only caught because Lord Fluffbutt found his way into Clarus’ bed. The eldest Amicitia stood no chance when attacked with the sad faces of his children AND a kitten. Lord Fluffbutt has a literal cat castle now and is allowed to roam freely. 
  • On nights were Clarus is stuck in the Citadel until late, Gladio will make sure Iris has eaten, washed and done her homework. When she was younger he’d tuck her into bed and read her a bedtime story; as she’s gotten older he still sees her to her room and makes sure she’s comfortable before going to sleep himself.
  • He once punched a boy who stood Iris up. The kid looked over his shoulder for weeks afterwards and even after joining the Crownsguard will still run in the other direction.


“Almost there Gladdy. You can do it!”
“[Hums still looking at the newspaper] Next time there will be three of us.”

This one is based on one of my favorite things that ever came out of XV:

Final Fantasy XV Mystery Disc demo! Back then I had a good time watching the livestream.


Fanart only. No copyright infringement intended.
Models © Square Enix.
Models: x

Sassentia’s Redbubble

So I kind of opened a Redbubble shop? There’s not much there at the moment, but there IS an Amicitia piece, and I’m hoping to add some more fandom stuff soon. Maybe take a look and signal boost?

(This is under my official business name Wandering Jotun, which focuses on nerdy/pagan/queer stuff, just fyi) 

Sassentia’s Redbubble