Me: *takes a deep breath*
Me: I lo-
Anyone who has ever spent 5 seconds around me: Yes, you love your gods, we know, you love your gods so much, they are the light of your life, you love them so much, you just love your gods, we KNOW, you love your gods you fucking love your gods ok, we know, we get it. YOU LOVE YOUR GODS

weird things anxiety causes you to do:


  • go 40 minutes without blowing your nose when you have a cold so you don’t have to loudly blow it in front of a group of people
  • use extremely dull pencils because you don’t want to sharpen them because that is also loud
  • not order what you actually want to eat because people might think it’s strange
  • not wear the clothes you want to wear
  • wear the clothes you want to wear and then spend the whole day worrying that everyone is judging you
  • put down every accomplishment you have ever made for fear of being looked at as different