12 Days of Ficmas Recs–Day 4

December 23rd – Day 4: Soulmate!AU OR Fake dating

I kind of fell behind on this, so here’s today’s! My favorite FFXV Soulmate!AU. Except I couldn’t decide, so here’s two. 

Title: By Your Voice to Guide Me Home by @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Noctis/Ignis
Rating: G
Warnings (if any): N/A
Summary: A Soulmate AU, in which people have a voice in their head that reflects the character of their soulmate.

was certain that he would recognize his soul mate when he met them. For
one, they had an accent. For two, they were quite possibly the most
condescending, stuck-up, conceited person he had ever heard. For three,
they had an insatiable love of puns.

Ignis wasn’t sure if he’d
ever meet his soulmate, and he didn’t particularly care. For one, they
were lazy beyond belief. For two, they were constantly trying to goad
him into breaking out of his well-ordered lifestyle. For three, for
whatever reason, they complained the entire time Ignis tried to cook
vegetables. It was tiresome.

And Noct and Ignis both knew, beyond a
shadow of a doubt, that their supposed soulmates were the last people
in the entire world that they would ever want to spend the rest of their
lives with.
Why I Rec This Fic: I’ve gotten a bit of a behind-the-scenes peek at some of the stuff planned for this fic and it’s going to be really fun. I love the writing style and the parallels set up between the two scenes that are here so far. And the idea is just fun, honestly. 

Title: Luminosity by @Kunfetti 
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Prompto/Ignis 
Rating: T
Warnings (if any): N/A
Summary: The population of Eos is colorblind until they meet their soulmates.
Prompto has waited his entire life to meet his but when he does, he’s
met with an unexpected surprise.
Why I Rec This Fic: It’s just so cute? It’s so fluffy and sweet and I love the little twist of blind!Ignis in an AU where soulmates know each other by seeing colors and the little tensions and conflicts that creates inside the sheer adorable fluff.