Preorders for my #lokean devotional close tomorrow, August 8th! After that the price increases to $15 for the print book (and you won’t get any special free goodies, either).!/PREORDER-On-the-Tightrope-A-Loki-Devotional/p/112474720/category=0

#loki #deityloki #devotionalpoetry

On the Tightrope Preorders Announcement

It’s come to my attention that the shop I was originally using to take preorders for the Loki devotional doesn’t support international orders. Dear self: check these things before launching stuff.

So to remedy this, I’ve changed the shop to a different provider and will keep preorders open two days longer, until August 8th. So please help me spread the word and order your copy if you haven’t already! Preorders are at a lower price and include a free print, so don’t miss out!

PREORDER: On the Tightrope: A Loki Devotional

I’m closing preorders for my Loki devotional on August 6th so I have enough time to order and get everything together before the full launch. Preorder prices are lower ($10 for print as preorder; it goes up to $15 after launch) and include a free postcard print! Don’t miss out!

PREORDER: On the Tightrope: A Loki Devotional



tell me what your gods feel like. let me feel them too.

Loki is the seemingly straightforward solution you stumble on only after hours of nerve-wracking work

He’s the stray spark that starts a wildfire

He’s the saccharine coating of a painfully sour candy

Loki is the choked-back tears of righteous anger burning the back of your throat

He’s a dandelion growing through the cracks in the sidewalk

He’s the words your soul screams but your voice refuses to utter

Loki is transformation

Loki Devotional Preorders are Open!

On the Tightrope: a Loki Devotional is in the final stages of formatting and prep for launch, so I’m opening up preorders! This collection includes poetry, prose, and prayer written by me (a queer, nerdy Lokean and Pop Culture Pagan)–divided into sections for general devotionals and consort devotionals–and beautiful illustrations like the one above for every piece.

The book will be available in both physical ($10) and ebook ($5) versions, with a special package of both for $12, which will only be available as a preorder special. In addition, all preorders of the physical books will come with a print of your choice from these six options.

Assuming nothing goes terribly, terribly wrong (in which case, I will be in touch), the books should be available by late July or early August. I plan to send out preorders the week it becomes available for general orders, so you should get them quicker (and with more goodies).