Update 1: Week One Update · On the Tightrope: A Loki Devotional

Today marks one week into the campaign–and we’re 11% funded.
Huge, huge thanks to everyone who’s backed this little devotional
collection so far. I seriously can’t express how grateful I am for all
your support.

In the next few days, I’ll have the collection of
illustrations available for all backers to look at so you can decide
which print(s) you’d like, if you’re getting a print as part of your
reward tier. If you can’t decide between the amazing images (personally,
I kind of want all of them), remember that you can add extra prints to
your rewards for only $5 if you’re already getting physical items.

also want to set a little challenge to make this a bit of fun, like
Loki would want: If we can reach 30% funded ($600) by next Wednesday
(May 23rd), the two-week mark, I’ll add special Loki bookmarks to the

The Skytreader and Shapeshifter tiers will get a PDF download
of the bookmark design. All the reward tiers above that will receive the
PDF and a physical bookmark. I’ll reveal the design itself if we can
reach this goal, so help spread the word and encourage people to donate!

Thanks again for your support so far, everyone. I’m super excited about
this project, and it’s amazing to see other people excited for it, too.
Let’s make sure it happens!

– Nonir 

Update 1: Week One Update · On the Tightrope: A Loki Devotional


IT’S LIVE! I have launched the #kickstarter for the #lokean devotional book.

Please excuse me while I scream and otherwise freak out. In the meantime, maybe consider backing the project or helping to spread the word?


On the Tightrope Kickstarter Update 1

We’re only $35 away from being 10% funded already, and I’m screaming. Thank you all so much.

If we can hit $200+ before the counter ticks over to day two, I’ll add an extra little goodie to the Mother of Monsters tier and up! Let’s do this, y’all!
