

A question for Lokeans

As I revive my Wiccan practice I’ll be asking questions that are stressing me out. So my first one is this:

I started a relationship with Loki and I felt really happy and excited. Doing some reading, though, I worry that I could get hurt if the relationship deepens, as Loki is often depicted as a betrayer and an adversary. I know that could be Christian influence but I thought I should ask:

Lokeans, has Loki ever hurt or betrayed you? What is your experience with him?

Hiya! For starters, you might want to check out the nokean tag over at the @lokeanwelcomingcommittee. Much of Loki’s reputation among Heathen’s has to do with him being viewed as the Norse equivalent of the Christian Satan, when in reality, the Norse didn’t really have the same notion of absolute good and evil. And a lot of the rest of it has to do with racism and homophobia. 

So no. Loki’s not evil. But that’s not the same as never hurting you. Frankly, anyone you have a relationship with, god or human, is going to hurt you eventually, even if they have only the best intentions, because that is the nature of any two complex, flawed beings interacting long term.

With deity relationships in particular, one metaphor that really speaks to me is that of surgery. Cutting you open, on its own, is harmful. But sometimes it needs to happen before you can heal. Loki (and honestly, any other deity) will tear stuff down so you can rebuild it better down the road if they think that’s necessary. And even if it is necessary, it can be incredibly painful and frightening at the time. Anyone who tells you their spiritual path is all joy and light is just trying to sell you something.

But the pain of growth is worth it. Just like relationships are worth it. I think this quote by C.S. Lewis sums it up really well:

“To love at all is to be vulnerable. Love anything
and your heart will be wrung and possibly broken. If you want to make
sure of keeping it intact you must give it to no one, not even an
animal. Wrap it carefully round with hobbies and little luxuries; avoid
all entanglements. Lock it up safe in the casket or coffin of your
selfishness. But in that casket, safe, dark, motionless, airless, it
will change. It will not be broken; it will become unbreakable,
impenetrable, irredeemable. To love is to be vulnerable.”

On the Tightrope Preorders Announcement

It’s come to my attention that the shop I was originally using to take preorders for the Loki devotional doesn’t support international orders. Dear self: check these things before launching stuff.

So to remedy this, I’ve changed the shop to a different provider and will keep preorders open two days longer, until August 8th. So please help me spread the word and order your copy if you haven’t already! Preorders are at a lower price and include a free print, so don’t miss out!

PREORDER: On the Tightrope: A Loki Devotional

I’m closing preorders for my Loki devotional on August 6th so I have enough time to order and get everything together before the full launch. Preorder prices are lower ($10 for print as preorder; it goes up to $15 after launch) and include a free postcard print! Don’t miss out!

PREORDER: On the Tightrope: A Loki Devotional



tell me what your gods feel like. let me feel them too.

Loki is the seemingly straightforward solution you stumble on only after hours of nerve-wracking work

He’s the stray spark that starts a wildfire

He’s the saccharine coating of a painfully sour candy

Loki is the choked-back tears of righteous anger burning the back of your throat

He’s a dandelion growing through the cracks in the sidewalk

He’s the words your soul screams but your voice refuses to utter

Loki is transformation