
I got prickly the other day, mostly about UPG-related things.

The more I’ve dug into Lokean history and the more I’ve talked to people, the more I’ve realized that modern Loki worship has some really nasty underpinnings. I can’t go into it. Not now, anyway.

Point being: I discovered a lot of common UPG regarding Loki is founded upon misinterpretations, loose definitions, and speculations-presented-as-facts, such as Loki being a Fire God or a god of chaos. Neither of these are lore-attested traits, and yet they’re thrown around as though they’re the defining features of Loki as a god.

Of course, in typical Lokean fashion, I quickly learned that just because someone has a different UPG than I do doesn’t mean they’re not having an authentic experience.

Cultural beliefs about gods can change over time, for one thing.

If I go around policing how Loki “should be experienced”, I’m no better than any standard-issue Nokean out there.

But my concern still stands: People don’t really know how to learn about their gods. I’m repeating the words of another Lokean I know, but he’s right: In the western world, we’re taught that if we regurgitate the “right facts” correctly, we get rewarded. If we don’t, we get punished.

But Godwork isn’t about learning the “right facts” and regurgitating them in your practice. It’s about finding the experience for yourself, which requires researching your god, reading the lore, and promoting active communication with your god, if you can manage it (meditation and trance is a good way of doing this).

And please remember that validation is not a form of verification. You can ask “experts” about your godly experiences until the cows come home, but it won’t make you more right about them–and it won’t make you more wrong, either. It can be dangerous for your practice and your relationship with your god to depend on this.

If you view Loki as a god of fire, or a god of chaos, or even a god of fish n’ chips and shitty dive bars, then make sure that’s something you feel aligns to your experiences. And also recognize that labels, while useful, can be restrictive and dogmatic. Gods aren’t who they are because of their labels. Their labels came from who they are and what they do.

Take your experience of your god into your own hands. Use the Lokean Welcoming Committee as a starting point. You’re allowed to mess up and be wrong in your practice. It’s an important part of learning.

…Hopefully this all makes sense. I just don’t want y’all hurting yourselves.

On the Tightrope Preorders Announcement

It’s come to my attention that the shop I was originally using to take preorders for the Loki devotional doesn’t support international orders. Dear self: check these things before launching stuff.

So to remedy this, I’ve changed the shop to a different provider and will keep preorders open two days longer, until August 8th. So please help me spread the word and order your copy if you haven’t already! Preorders are at a lower price and include a free print, so don’t miss out!

PREORDER: On the Tightrope: A Loki Devotional

I’m closing preorders for my Loki devotional on August 6th so I have enough time to order and get everything together before the full launch. Preorder prices are lower ($10 for print as preorder; it goes up to $15 after launch) and include a free postcard print! Don’t miss out!

PREORDER: On the Tightrope: A Loki Devotional

Loki Devotional Preorders are Open!

On the Tightrope: a Loki Devotional is in the final stages of formatting and prep for launch, so I’m opening up preorders! This collection includes poetry, prose, and prayer written by me (a queer, nerdy Lokean and Pop Culture Pagan)–divided into sections for general devotionals and consort devotionals–and beautiful illustrations like the one above for every piece.

The book will be available in both physical ($10) and ebook ($5) versions, with a special package of both for $12, which will only be available as a preorder special. In addition, all preorders of the physical books will come with a print of your choice from these six options.

Assuming nothing goes terribly, terribly wrong (in which case, I will be in touch), the books should be available by late July or early August. I plan to send out preorders the week it becomes available for general orders, so you should get them quicker (and with more goodies).