FFXV Small Secret Santa Gift for Tyncri

Hey, @Tyncri, happy holidays! Here’s your gift from the small secret santa–some overprotective papa!Cor and Promnis. I hope you like it! 


Prompto hadn’t expected this. Not one bit. He’d known Cor was protective and wanted the best for him, but coffee with each of his boyfriends individually to grill them, even though he’d had a hand in training all three of them and already knew them pretty well, was kind of ridiculous. And, worst of all, Cor had made it very clear this was only the beginning.

They sat in the coffee shop, Cor on one side of the table and Ignis on the other, Prompto between them. Ignis had already downed three cups of coffee in the fifteen minutes they’d been sitting here, making strained smalltalk. Prompto desperately wanted to grab his boyfriend’s hand and make a run for it. But he knew he couldn’t.

“So,” Cor said finally, the single syllable flat and firm as he narrowed his eyes at Ignis. “What are your intentions with Prompto?”

Prompto groaned and dropped his head into his hands.

Ignis adjusted his glasses delicately. “I intend to make him as happy as I possibly can, sir.”

“What makes you think you’re good enough for him?” Cor asked, absolutely no emotion in his voice.

Prompto groaned again. If anything Ignis was way too good for him.

But Ignis answered without missing a beat, his voice just as calm and collected as ever. “I have no illusions that I am, sir. But I hope to become the type of man who can ensure his happiness.”

Cor’s eyes narrowed further for a moment and he leaned forward, bracing his elbows on the edge of the table. “Listen up, Scientia. If you so much as make him cry once, I will make your life a living hell, Crownsguard or not.”

“I’m right here,” Prompto grumbled into his hands.

Both Cor and Ignis ignored him.

“I would expect no less from you, Marshal,” Ignis replied, leaning forward as well. “But I assure you, it won’t be necessary. I hold Prompto’s wellbeing as second only to His Highness’, and I will do everything in my power to ensure he is never hurt, on my account or otherwise.”

They stared at each other across the table for a long moment, oblivious to Prompto peeking through his fingers at his boyfriend and blushing bright red.

Finally, the marshal sat back in his seat and crossed his arms, giving a slightly approving nod. “Looks like we’ve got an agreement, then.”

“An agreement?” Prompto squeaked, finally pulling his hands away to look at his unofficially-adopted father.

The marshal finally glanced at him, the corner of his lips quirking up incrementally. “You can date Scientia. The other two still remain to be seen.”

Prompto dropped his head into his hands again.

“You aren’t seriously considering threatening the Crown Prince, are you?” Ignis asked delicately, adjusting his glasses again.

Cor’s subtle smile had just the hint of a feral edge to it. “Let’s just hope it doesn’t come to that.”