12 Days of Ficmas Recs–Day 4

December 23rd – Day 4: Soulmate!AU OR Fake dating

I kind of fell behind on this, so here’s today’s! My favorite FFXV Soulmate!AU. Except I couldn’t decide, so here’s two. 

Title: By Your Voice to Guide Me Home by @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Noctis/Ignis
Rating: G
Warnings (if any): N/A
Summary: A Soulmate AU, in which people have a voice in their head that reflects the character of their soulmate.

was certain that he would recognize his soul mate when he met them. For
one, they had an accent. For two, they were quite possibly the most
condescending, stuck-up, conceited person he had ever heard. For three,
they had an insatiable love of puns.

Ignis wasn’t sure if he’d
ever meet his soulmate, and he didn’t particularly care. For one, they
were lazy beyond belief. For two, they were constantly trying to goad
him into breaking out of his well-ordered lifestyle. For three, for
whatever reason, they complained the entire time Ignis tried to cook
vegetables. It was tiresome.

And Noct and Ignis both knew, beyond a
shadow of a doubt, that their supposed soulmates were the last people
in the entire world that they would ever want to spend the rest of their
lives with.
Why I Rec This Fic: I’ve gotten a bit of a behind-the-scenes peek at some of the stuff planned for this fic and it’s going to be really fun. I love the writing style and the parallels set up between the two scenes that are here so far. And the idea is just fun, honestly. 

Title: Luminosity by @Kunfetti 
Fandom: FFXV
Pairing: Prompto/Ignis 
Rating: T
Warnings (if any): N/A
Summary: The population of Eos is colorblind until they meet their soulmates.
Prompto has waited his entire life to meet his but when he does, he’s
met with an unexpected surprise.
Why I Rec This Fic: It’s just so cute? It’s so fluffy and sweet and I love the little twist of blind!Ignis in an AU where soulmates know each other by seeing colors and the little tensions and conflicts that creates inside the sheer adorable fluff. 

Sincerely, Me Chapter 83

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 83 Summary: In which Ignis forgets something, Prompto accidentally causes a panic,
Noct comes out to his friends, and Gladio is mostly just confused.

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 83

NOTE: Unfortunately, real life has gotten out of control for both of us lately and Sincerely, Me is going on a bit of a hiatus with this chapter. We hope it won’t be long, and we promise we’re coming back–we have a lot of great things planned–but we’re not entirely certain when yet. Thank you for your patience, for sticking with us, and for being the best readers we could ever ask for. ❤ 

Sincerely, Me Chapter 82

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 82 Summary: In which Noct and Gladio try to talk, Ignis comes to a couple of conclusions, and Prompto freaks the fuck out.

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 82

Sincerely, Me Chapter 81

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 81 Summary: In which the Amicitias have some talks, Ignis threatens to send Prompto a
biology textbook, Prompto scares Cor, and Noct is angry-confused.

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 81

Sincerely, Me Chapter 80

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 80 Summary: In which Prompto kicks ass, Noct and Gladio make an announcement, and Ignis proves he is actually human.

It’s best not to argue with him, darling,” Ignis sighed as he grabbed
a bucket of yellow balloons and offered them to his boyfriend.

Prompto accepted the bucket and gave Ignis a quick kiss in thanks.

“Hey!” Noct said with a pout. “Hands off each other! That was the deal!”

Ignis cleared his throat and snatched up a bucket of balloons filled
with light blue paint. Then he smiled and tilted his chin toward the
door. “Shall we?”

Noct grabbed the bucket of pink balloons before
he stepped through the door. The moment he was through, he smashed a
balloon over the top of Ignis’ head, immediately turning and sprinting
across the arena, laughing maniacally as if he were driving a giant
monster truck and flinging it off of a cliff.

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 80

Sincerely, Me Chapter 79

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 79 Summary: In which Prompto is reassured, Ignis gets asked an unexpected question, and Noct and Gladio make a surprising decision.

Noctis (11:08 a.m.):
 I’ve never seen the appeal of Lord of the Rings

Ignis (11:09 a.m.):
 Plenty of people don’t appreciate the depth of the worldbuilding and the nuance of the plot.

Ignis (11:10 a.m.):
 That doesn’t mean something’s wrong with you. 

Noctis (11:11 a.m.):
 I also think that Samwise Gamgee is annoying and needy. 

Ignis (11:12 a.m.):
 I’ve written essays on the characterization and importance of Samwise Gamgee, Noctis.

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 79

I saw ypur post about fic requests and I was wondering if you’d be willing to do Promnis having some cute winter domestic life stuff.


Sorry about the wait, nothing was working the way I wanted to, so I started over with a new idea. …And then I came here and remembered the domestic bit… >_< Sorry. I can try again if you like, but here’s this.

Wouldn’t It Be Ice?

Prompto loved ice skating.

He had said as much last week when Noct mentioned that set-up had begun on the large rink that popped up in the center of the city every year.

Not much else was said on the subject until Ignis was giving him a ride home in the Regalia. As they pulled up to Prompto’s house, he had given him a warm smile and admitted that he hadn’t been skating himself since he was a child, and had asked if Prompto might like to go with him.

Prompto had eagerly agreed. It was no secret among them (well, among Gladio, Noct, and himself) that he had a crush on the advisor larger than the citadel.

The agreed upon evening arrived, and Prompto showed up to the rink as a bundle of nervous energy. He’s just a friend, he’s just a friend, he reminded himself, even as images of holding Ignis’ hand while they skated, accidentally slipping so the Ignis could catch him and hold him close, and Ignis leaning down to press soft, gentle kisses to his lips filled his mind.

Gods, wouldn’t that be nice?

Maybe, if tonight went well, he would find the courage to tell Ignis how he felt.

“Prompto,” a voice behind him caused him to turn around. There was Ignis, bundled up in a black, woven knee-length coat. He wore a dark blue scarf, and a pair of earmuffs sat nestled on his head.

“Ignis,” Prompto said with a smile, his breath fogging up the air. Gods, he looked gorgeous.

Ignis smiled warmly at him and gestured toward the skate rental stand. “Shall we?”

After they rented and laced up their skates, they walked on wobbly feet onto the rink.

The sun was just beginning to set, casting orange and pink rays down onto the ice. It was stunning.

They did a few rounds on the ice. Ignis was a little unsteady on his feet, not having skated in many years, but he quickly go the hang of it, and was soon able to skate without his hand on Prompto’s shoulder (much to Prompto’s disappointment.)

However, just being with Ignis was nice, and Prompto found that he was honestly content just being here as Ignis’ friend, even if he still longed for something more.

But then Ignis gave him a soft smile and easily slipped his hand into Prompto’s, and he began to wonder how the hell he was going to keep his composure around Ignis from now on, now that he knew what this felt like.

Night fell and the rink was dark for a few moments until bright, colorful lights came blinkling on.

“Wow,” Prompto breathed, as he looked around. The lights had been strung up all around the rink, twinkling down onto the ice and casting their glow upon the skaters.

“Breathtaking, is it not?” Ignis said from beside him.

“Yeah,” Prompto agreed. “This would make a hell of a place for a date.”

Instead of agreeing with him, Ignis went silent and stiff beside him and slipped his hand out of Prompto’s.

Prompto turned to find him frowning uncomfortably. “What’s wrong?”

Ignis was staring down at the ice. Prompto could have sworn he was blushing, but, no, there was no way. His face was probably just flushed from all the skating. “Prompto, I…” he started.

Okay, no, Ignis was definitely blushing.

He cleared his throat awkwardly, and started again. “Prompto, I had rather intended for this to be a date…” he confessed.


“Oh.” Prompto tried to remember what Ignis had said when he had asked him. He had been getting out of the car, and Ignis had stopped him by saying his name. He had mentioned that he used to love ice skating as well and then he had said….

“Would you like to go out with me to the rink next week?”

Would you like to go out?

Go. Out.

Oh, shit. Prompto mentally kicked himself. Gods, Ignis must be thinking he was such an idiot right now.

Ignis cleared his throat again and cast his gaze to the side. “I…apologize. I should have made it clearer. If you do not wish for this to be a date, we can simply keep skating. Or, I can take you home, if you’d prefer.”

“No!” Prompto said quickly, taking an awkward step forward. Ignis looked at him, startled by his urgency, and blushed even deeper when he realized that Prompto was suddenly less than a foot away from him., and gods if that wasn’t somehow the most beautiful sight Prompto had seen.

“No,” Prompto said again, calmer this time. “I mean, I…six, how do I say this?” He took a deep breath and he could feel his own face flushing. “I like you, Ignis. Like, a lot. Like, a lot, a lot. So…I would really-and I mean really, really–love for this to be a date. So, um…yeah…”

Ignis smiled, looking relieved. “I’m glad to hear it.” He shifted so that he was closer to Prompto. “Would it be too bold of me to ask for a kiss right now?”

Instead of answering, Prompto grabbed the ends of Ignis scarf and gently tugged until the other man was face to face with him. He wasn’t entirely sure who leaned in first, but it didn’t really matter as their lips pressed together in the gentlest, warmest way.

It was like a kiss out of a fairy tale, with the shimmering lights, and the way their lips seemed to fit together perfectly–right up until the moment Prompto’s legs turned to jelly and he fell towards Ignis, sending them both crashing onto the ice.

“Shit,” Prompto swore. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine, love,” Ignis said, his eyes sparkling in amusement. “And yourself?”

“I’ll live,” Prompto said with a grin. “Not exactly how I imagined our first kiss would go, though.”

“Oh,” Ignis smiled. “You imagined this, did you?”

Prompto blushed. “Well…yeah,” he said, like it was obvious.

“I’ll admit, I have, too,” Ignis confessed.

“Oh!” Prompto squeaked. Ignis had imagined kissing him. He didn’t quite know what to do with that information. “We should…uh…probably get up,” he said instead.

“Mmm, probably,” Ignis agreed, wrapping an arm around Prompto’s shoulders to pull him in for another kiss.

Sincerely, Me Chapter 78

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 78 Summary: In which everyone gets a little bit punchy. 

Gladiolus (11:01 a.m.):
 Sooooooo I just got a call from Ignis…

Gladiolus (11:02 a.m.):
 Who wants to go to the police station with me to pick him up?

Noctis (11:03 a.m.):
 how fucking stupid do you think we are?

Prompto (11:04 a.m.):
 like Iggy would ever get arrested. e_e

Gladiolus (11:05 a.m.):
 Apparently he slugged someone. O.o

Noctis (11:06 a.m.):

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 78

Sincerely, Me Chapter 77

Title: Sincerely, Me
Authors: @ignis-sassentia, @kwehkwehmotherfucker
Fandom: Final Fantasy xv
Pairings: Gladnoct, Promnis, building to OT4
Ignis (7:55 p.m.): I remember why we rarely have these little group chats.
Ignis (7:57 p.m.): Every single one of you is incorrigible and inappropriate to the extreme.

What started off as a fic of Noct and Gladio sending fake emails to Prompto and Ignis in order to try to get them together has somehow devolved into this monstrosity of ridiculous group chats, dick pics, and endless shenanigans.In which Noct is a spoiled brat and likes to stir shit up, Prompto is a beautiful cinnamon roll and way too obsessed with emojis, Gladio is just along for the ride and trying to keep the other three from getting themselves killed, and Ignis is way beyond done with all of his friends and wishing he could text Prompto without making a complete fool of himself.

Told mostly through texts and emails, with prose interludes every five chapters.

Chapter 76 Summary: In which multiple uncomfortable revelations are had and plans for a date are made.

Ignis (10:53 a.m.):
 Now that we’re all here, may we have the discussion?

Gladiolus (10:54 a.m.):
 What discussion? Didn’t we cover eating ass enough yesterday?

Prompto (10:55 a.m.):
 u can never cover eating ass enough

Noctis (10:56 a.m.):
 tru that [high five emoji]

Prompto (10:57 a.m.):
 [high five emoji]

Ignis (10:58 a.m.):
 [sigh emoji]

Start from Chapter 1

Chapter 77