
It’s also important to note that like there’s never a time that you are “done” w the process of building relationships, esp intimate ones. People are always changing, some of us in more obvious ways than others, and we’re always in a process of refining our own interests and behaviors (let alone dealing w previous trauma or living and changing in a fucked up society) I feel like




the old-timers I played with back in Iowa used to say “it’s good enough for folk music” when we got tired of tuning and now it’s entered my vocabulary as an all-purpose useful phrase for beating back perfectionism. 

sure, i could make this closer to perfect if i put in more time and effort and there might be circumstances under which that’s a good idea, but for now i’ll get more joy and use out of it if i just accept the kind of wonky version and keep going.

Some variants of this I’ve heard, if folk music isn’t your jam:

  • Good Enough For Shakespeare (used to justify odd word choices, cliche’d plot devices, and putting Dick Jokes in the middle of serious work)
  • Good Enough For Government Work (Used when you can’t finagle the math so you round up and get on with your life)
  • Good Enough For Saint Anthony (used by my Catholic Grandmother, usually when something went wrong in the kitchen)
  • Good Enough For The Lutherans (Used by catholic great-aunt, usually when we were running late for something)
  • Good Enough For Fish And Biscuits (Great-Uncle Francis said this all the tie and I have no idea what it means but the man was an overwhelming sucess at life so I guess it works)

German versions of this via my granny: 

  • “So genau scheißt kein Graf.” – “No count poops that precisely.”
  • “Schief ist englisch und englisch ist modern.” – “Lopsided is English and English is fashionable.” (my granny’s a dressmaker by trade)

My father, who has worked in video production and broadcast almost his whole life: “it’s good enough for television.”



we are not born to die!! what are you talking about!! do you think a book begins just to finish? do you think a song opens with a beautiful chord just for it to end? you don’t read the book to finish it, you read the book to eat up the excitement and the emotions it evokes!! to learn and to digest and to fall in love and be heartbroken!! you listen to the song to dance and dance and sing your throat raw!!! to cry and smile and swell with the harmonies!! yes, we are born with the inevitable fate of death, we are mortal after all, but that is merely the finale of the play!! the final act, the closing of the curtains – we are not born to take a bow and exit stage left!! we are born to love and be joyous and yell and move and learn and cry and feelfeelfeel!!!  we are not born to die, silly, we’re born to live!!!

2018 mood