
The buttons and stickers I ordered for #malcon2018 came in today! The stickers are smaller than I expected, but feature a wordcloud from a chapter of my co-written #FFXV fic Sincerely, Me. So excited!

#trickster #trickstersquad #fanfiction #westercon

There are now Sincerely, Me stickers, y’all. I ordered a set for MALCon next week because I’m a nerd and @kwehkwehmotherfucker didn’t stop me. It’s a word cloud formulated from Chapter 17 (you know, the one where everyone is texting Gladio in an absolute panic?). I don’t know how well they’re going to sell at con, so consider this a pre-order announcement of sorts? Let me know if you want one and I’ll hit you up if there are any extras (same with the pins featured here, actually). They’ll be $3, including shipping. 

And, no, the fic isn’t dead yet. Life is just still kicking our butts.