
I’m getting my first tattoo today (Amicitia-inspired, naturally), and contemplating how long it must have taken Gladio to finish his. Of course, this has lead to a new fic idea, despite me not really writing much over the last few months due to  being insanely busy. So maybe once I finish the next chapter of Crescendo, I’ll let myself dabble. Or maybe I’ll be bad. We’ll see. 

The fresh ink, in case anyone was curious. 

Tomorrow, I get my first (and likely only) tattoo.

Tomorrow, I mark myself as an offical part of my spirit family, ready to shoulder my own burdens and duties.

Tomorrow, I take one more step toward living the way I want to instead of the way I’ve been told to live.

Tomorrow, I start a new chapter in my life with a physical reminder of how far I’ve come.


Logic brain: Don’t get a tattoo yet; you’ve only been contemplating it for three months. Give it time and don’t rush into it because, you know, it’s a permanent thing and this design is very much tied to a spirit you’ve technically only know for a little over a year.

The rest of my brain: Fuck that, I’m doing this ASAP because I love it, it’s the only thing I’ve ever wanted to actually have on my skin, it ties to my spirit family in general, and it’s a fabulous reminder that I can overcome my mental illness and my depression and anxiety don’t define me.

Well, the rest of my brain has won out. I’ve emailed to schedule a consultation with an artist a friend recommended to me. The fact that I’m super upset about the degradation of the temporary I used to test the design is kind of big sign, tbqh.