Norse Mythology and Advice


Be steadfast like Sigyn, but don’t take any shit.

Be shining like Freyja, but know to put yourself first above all others. 

Be humble like Iðunn, but know that you hold powers unimaginable that even they don’t see. 

Be careful and shrewd like Frigg, but know when to cherish what you have before it’s gone. 

Be wild and free like Skaði, but know that there is no shame in longing for what is home. 

Be strong in your convictions like Hel, but know when to have your heart turn toward a worthy cause. 

Be enchanting like Gerðr, but know that your radiance is something they can never take from you.

Be a comforting pillar like Sif, but know that it is alright to ask for a helping hand in return. 

Be clever like Loki, but know that not everyone can distinguish between cunning and harmful trickery.

Be righteous like Njörðr, but do not bend others to your will and mind like a tyrant.

Be proud of achievements like Bragi, but do not forget the many hands that go into one great piece of work, and dole out thanks accordingly. 

Be tender and loving like Freyr, but don’t forget how to fight for your survival with tooth and nail. 

Be forever fighting for your loved ones like Týr, but be weary of those who would call you friend and kin only to feed you to the wolves. 

Be full of grace and charm like Baldr, but know that not every battle can be fought with the power of soft speech and courtesy when life is on the line.  

Be a lover of justice like Forseti, but know that not everyone is looking for advice to their ills.

Be ever keen of eye like Heimdallr, but know that not all secrets that your gaze sees should be shared in others company. 

Be blameless like Höðr, but know that even then, all our hands will be stained blood red with some lie or deed eventually.

Be willing to stand tall by your own merits like Ullr, but do not shy from friendly hands that would see you whole and hale to the end.  

Be ferocious and strong like Þórr, but know when to stay hand upon weapon and offer kind word instead. 

Be a searcher of knowledge like

Óðinn, but be mindful that while we cannot know everything, that does not mean we should stop seeking.